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Consignor application

Contact Person: Tel :
Fax: E-mail :
Applicant Information
Company Name:
Contact Person: Tel:
E-mail: Fax:
Product Information
Product Name: Model:
Order Number: Buyers:
Destination: For cargo business:
Producers: Package Type:
The total value of: Inspection Date:
Two working days in advance formal notice to Division I, the day inspection manufactured products to be 90% completed and the completion of at least 80% of the packaging
Inspection Address
Factory Name:
Factory address:
Contact Person: Tel:
E-mail: Fax:
Application service project
Application inspection project
Sampling requirements
Accompanying documents
Stamps and signatures Requisition Date

Contact us

Tel:86-0755-23005981 / 27905981


Location:Rm1816 ,18th Floor, Jinhao  Mansion,Fuyong,Bao'an,Shenzhen, China,
